

De Nederlandse Vereniging van Duikgeneeskunde hanteert bij hercertificering van de Medical Examiner of Divers (MED) de eisen zoals geformuleerd in het document “Educational and training standards for physicians in diving and hyperbaric medicine” uit 2011.

Recertification – ECHM-EDTC Educational and Training Standards for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2011

A revalidation of a specialist’s status is now generally introduced in medical professionals. According to the EU-guidance, the professionals define the conditions and in an interval of 3 years9 all certificates have to be renewed. In most of the EU-countries, the conditions for maintaining the active status of an individual are defined by some system of continuous medical education credit points (CME). The refresher seminars can serve to update the participants in order to confirm their active status and to reactivate those who temporarily have not maintained their required activity. They can also serve as an introduction to doctors of other specialties who may also gain CME credits in their own specialties. This not only can help the financing of a course but can be a chance for promoting diving and hyperbaric medicine to those who would not attend the diving and hyperbaric scientific congresses. The training standards define the minimum requirement for this in a flexible way that provides enough freedom for the national bodies to establish a more detailed system. It is expected that these national requirements will be compatible with our guidance. Until Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine is not recognized as specialization, the proposed interval for renewing of certification is at least every 5 years or less, if defined by national regulations.

Recertification trough continuous medical education (CME)

  • Renewal at least every 5 years
  • Proof of examinations of 30 divers in the last 3 years
  • Successful completion of a refresher course or equivalent (16 hours, content of course 1)

Waar kan ik mij hercertificeren?

Via de NVD kunt u zich hercertificeren bij de ECB als Europees gecertificeerd duikerarts. De NVD heeft een aparte website ingericht (Duikarts Certificering)speciaal voor certificering en hercertificering. Op deze site kunt een account aanmaken, gebruik daarbij hetzelfde e-mailadres dat u gebruikt om in te loggen op de NVD-website als u gebruik wilt maken voor de korting die u krijgt als lid. In het account wordt gevraagd om de documenten die nodig zijn voor hercertificering up te loaden.
U kunt hier de aanvraag doen voor hercertificering